Rooffer Restaurant

Knowing the importance of breakfast in the beginning of each day, Fer Hotel offers its guests a wide selection of breakfast from 07:30 to 10:30.

Fine dining experiences

Pamper Your Senses and Discover New Flavors

Knowing the importance of breakfast in the beginning of each day, Fer Hotel offers its guests a wide selection of breakfast from 07:30 to 10:30. The open buffet breakfast offers a variety of fresh food and beverages to Fer Hotel’s guests, each of whom are handled as preciously valued gourmets. Start your day with a pleasant breakfast and a smile at RoofFer…

  • Phone: +90 212 522 50 80
  • E-mail:
Opening Hours
  • Lunch: Daily 11:30 till 18:00
  • Dinner: Daily 18:00 till 22:00
Reservation By Phone

+90 212 522 50 80


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